Q. Are building/compliance permits required within the Borough?

A. Yes. Contact the Portage Borough Administration Office at 736-4330.  Please go to the community link on the home page for additional information.

Q. Are permits required for sidewalks, driveways or street excavation?

A. A permit is required for obstructing a public sidewalk for construction, remodeling or other purpose for a fee of $5.00 per day. A street excavation permit is required before any construction begins for a fee charged in accordance with the PA Dept of Transportation schedule then in effect. A driveway permit is required at a fee of $15.00 for single family dwellings and apartments with five or less.

Q. Does the Borough of Portage have recycle bins?

A. Recycling bins are provided for newspapers, glass, cans, magazines, plastic, and cardboard The recycle bins are located at the corner of Mountain and Branch Street. No residential trash should be placed in the bins.

Q. Is there a snow removal and parking schedule during the winter months?

A. It is illegal to park on the odd side of a street on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and on the even side of a street on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. during snowplow operations. This is effective during the months of November through March of each year.

Q. What is the criteria for a public nuisance?

A. The Public Nuisance Ordinance shall be defined as including, but not limited to, the following activities when they adversely affect the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the Borough:

  • It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or having an interest in any real estate to permit weeds and similar vegetation to grow or remain on the premises owned by them within the Borough.
  • The accumulation of or permitting the accumulation of trash, garbage, refuse or rubbish on private or public property.
  • The existence of a dangerous structure on public or private grounds which constitutes a fire hazard, or endangers surrounding buildings or shelters rats or oher vermin, or an attraction to children playing thereabout, and a hazard to the safety which is unsafe for human occupancy.
  • The burning of any paper, rags, automobiles, machines or other waste materials, which results in the omission of noxious odors that pollute the air.
  • It is unlawful to permit junk, junk vehicles, junk yards, and auto dismantlers within the Borough limits.
  • No person shall keep or harbor any animal so as to create offensive odors, noises or unsanitary conditions which are a menace to the health, comfort or safety of the public.
  • Dogs must be on leashes within the Crichton McCormick Park.

Q. Does Portage Borough have a Curfew?

A. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted to be or remain in or upon any of the streets, parks, playgrounds, public buildings or vacant lots from 11:00 p.m. until 6:30 a.m. unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or adult.

Q. What are the restrictions for a mobile home?

A. No mobile home shall be erected on a single lot unless a building permit is obtained. The minimum lot size shall be a minimum of 25 feet by 125 feet or 3,125 square feet. No mobile home shall be constructed on a lot already occupied by another residence. A lot shall be defined as a tract or parcel of land in a single deed. The mobile home shall be installed so that the setback is at least fifteen (15) feet from an adjacent occupied structure. The hitch shall be removed or if it is a non-removable hitch then it shall be covered by a decorative skirting around the base.  If you need to remove your mobile home, a permit is required and can be obtained by the Real Estate Tax Collector.