Portage Area Youth Association Itty Bitty Baseball will be holding signups for children 3 and 4 every Saturday from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. from May 25th through June 15th. Children will be taught baseball fundamentals. Sign-up forms may be printed on www.portageball.com and mailed in along with a $25.00 registration fee($15.00 for second or third child from same family). For additional information, contact Justin at 814/329-3075 or Jaime at 322-7664.
A summer basketball league is forming in Portage, with competition beginning July 9th. Games will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Crichton McCormick Park. The season will last five weeks, ending August 10th. The league is looking for 6-8 teams and in need of officials. Anyone interested is asked to contact Dave McCabe at 814/288-7647.